Dr. Alana Williams graduated from medical school at the University of Nebraska in 2002. She completed her residency in 2006 at the University of New Mexico. She joined a private practice in Albuquerque from 2006-2010. Dr. Alana Williams has a Focused Practice Designation in Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery via the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is trained in complex gynecological surgery, including Robotic hysterectomies, pelvic organ prolapse surgeries, and incontinence. Alana Williams is currently a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (http://www.acog.org/ ) (F.A.C.O.G) and has served as the Medical Director of Ideal Images (http://www.idealimage.com/albuquerque/) for over twelve years. She uses her experience and knowledge from Ideal Images to support Sana Spa in cosmetics.